static FFmpeg binaries for macOS 64-bit Intel

2024-07-09: VideoToolbox support has been removed

The VideoToolbox code of FFmpeg increased the minimum level of macOS to 12.0. Afaik there is nothing in that code that works better than already included libraries. I rather remove support for it than raise the minimum deployment target to 12.0. Here is the compilation error for reference:

libavutil/hwcontext_videotoolbox.c:592:39: error: 'CVBufferCopyAttachments' is only available on macOS 12.0 or newer [-Werror,-Wunguarded-availability-new]
        CFDictionaryRef attachments = CVBufferCopyAttachments(pixbuf, kCVAttachmentMode_ShouldPropagate);
/Applications/ note: 'CVBufferCopyAttachments' has been marked as being introduced in macOS 12.0 here, but the deployment target is macOS 10.13.0
CV_EXPORT CFDictionaryRef CF_RETURNS_RETAINED CV_NULLABLE CVBufferCopyAttachments( CVBufferRef CV_NONNULL buffer, CVAttachmentMode attachmentMode ) API_AVAILABLE(macos(12.0), ios(15.0), tvos(15.0), watchos(8.0));
libavutil/hwcontext_videotoolbox.c:592:39: note: enclose 'CVBufferCopyAttachments' in a __builtin_available check to silence this warning
        CFDictionaryRef attachments = CVBufferCopyAttachments(pixbuf, kCVAttachmentMode_ShouldPropagate);
1 error generated.

The first version that does not include VideoToolbox support is ffmpeg-116208-gb6c43328ee

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