
Table of Contents

uts2ts - Convert a unix timestamp to a struct
mod_authnz_ibmdb2 - Apache authentication module
Lock Me for Mac OS X
MediaWiki Extension Mantis
static FFmpeg binaries for macOS 64-bit
JSON Response - a YOURLS plugin

uts2ts - Convert a unix timestamp to a struct

uts2ts is a simple function that does only one thing:

It converts a unix timestamp to something slightly more useful. ;-)
So why then? Well, it's not always warranted to pull in a myriad of dependencies when you need this one, little thingy.

Please note that the as_string() method is just a quick way of generating a human readable date/time string that
  • is unambiguous and close to ISO 8601 (or RFC 3339)
  • can be used as an example how to write your own formatting function
  • is NOT an attempt to reinvent all the goodies other crates provide

use uts2ts::uts2ts;

fn main() {
    let ts = uts2ts(204158100);

    // Timestamp { year: 1976, month: 6, day: 20, hour: 22, minute: 35, second: 0, weekday: 0 }
    println!({:?}, ts);

    // 1976-06-20 22:35:00
    println!({}, ts.as_string());

mod_authnz_ibmdb2 - Apache authentication module

mod_authnz_ibmdb2 is an Apache authentication module using IBM® DB2® as the backend database for storing user and group information. The module supports several encryption methods and caching of credentials.
I also provide UDFs and Stored Procedures to generate and validate hashes in DB2. They are compatible to the functions that are used in Apache's htpasswd utility.


UDFs and SPs for DB2 to generate and validate hashes.

db2 => values bcrypt('cleartext')


  1 record(s) selected.

Lock Me for Mac OS X

Lock Me is a simple status bar application that allows you to lock your screen.

There are 3 global shortcut options:
  • ⌥⌘L
  • ⌃⌥⌘L
  • ⌥⇧⌘L
Languages: English, French, German, Simplified Chinese

MediaWiki Extension Mantis

The Mantis extension allows users to display a list of MantisBT tickets on a page.

By default it shows a color-coded table of open tickets. The following options can be customized:

  • table header on/off
  • colors on/off
  • length of summary text
  • date format
  • specify tickets by
    • bugid
    • status
    • severity
    • category
    • project
    • username
    • version (range filtering supported)
    • target_version (range filtering supported)
    • fixed_in_version (range filtering supported)
    • resolution
  • sort by multiple columns with individual sort order
  • show only certain columns
  • limit the output
  • suppress error and informational messages
  • change header names for columns
  • change the alignment of columns
  • add comments to tickets


MongoDB Preference Pane for Mac OS X to start and stop MongoDB. It makes it possible to define or override options, and it will show the PID of the started mongod process.


MySQL Preference Pane for Mac OS X to start and stop MySQL. One can also define or override options, and it will show the current PID of the started mysqld process.

static FFmpeg binaries for macOS 64-bit

Static binaries for FFmpeg, FFprobe, FFserver, and FFplay snapshots and releases. These binaries are single executables and do not need additional libraries.
The included x265 library is a multi-bit version (8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bit).

A download API is available. Here are a few examples:

To download the latest
  • ffmpeg snapshot as .7z:
  • ffmpeg snapshot as .zip:
  • ffprobe snapshot as .7z:
  • ffprobe release as zip:
  • ffmpeg release as zip:
To download the gpg signature for any of the files above, just append /sig to the URL.

With the info API it is possible to retrieve information about binaries, their internal and external libraries, download info, and so on.[/binary][/type]

  • binary (optional), can be any of ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay, ffserver, limits the output to the binary specified (returns both types)
  • type (optional), can be any of snapshot or release, limits the output to the binary and type specified
Examples: - shows information about all binaries available on this page - shows information about the latest ffmpeg snapshot

It is also possible to search for and retrieve info about a specific version (exact and partial search):

  • version, can be an exact version number like 4.1.3 or 94155-gbe1643be31, or the first 5 characters of a snapshot version like 94155. It can also be a complete filename with or without the extension, like ffprobe-94155-gbe1643be31.7z
  • binary (optional), can be any of ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay, ffserver, limits the output to the binary specified. Must not be used with a complete filename.
Examples: - shows information about all binaries with version number 94155-gbe1643be31 - shows information about the ffmpeg binary with a version that starts with 94155

JSON Response - a YOURLS plugin

Plugin for YOURLS. Add .json (or a custom string/character) to the short URL to get info about it as a JSON response.


Access native app version in React Native.

Returns CFBundleShortVersionString, CFBundleVersion, and CFBundleIdentifier on iOS. For Android, returns versionName, versionCode, and applicationId. For Windows, returns the version properties major, minor, and build numbers as the appVersion, the revision number as the buildVersion, and the name property as the bundleIdentifier.